Free public lecture: Abolishing section 21: restructuring renting or technocratic tinkering?

Join the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers for a discussion on housing law reform.


Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 ('no fault' evictions, and the consequent total lack of security of tenure in the the private rented sector) was a key plank of the Thatcher government's housing settlement. Its existence has been unquestioned by successive governments for for more than 30 years.

But in the last few months both main political parties announced their intention to abolish section 21.

The Haldane Society welcomes you to a discussion about the importance, necessity and consequences of re-regulating the private rented sector.

Reserve a free ticket here.

David Watkinson is a leading expert on housing law, having been a barrister at Garden Court Chambers for many years. In practice he was particularly committed to representing squatters and residential occupiers. David will speak about the importance of this proposal, and draw on the Rent Acts as an example of what a protected private rented sector looks like.

Housing Action Southwark & Lambeth (HASL) is a direct action casework and campaigning group based in south London. Izzy Koksal and others will speak about the reality facing HASL members - do they really need stronger rights to stay in terrible privately rented accommodation, or is a more ambitious programme of restoring council housing the only effective approach?

This is a particularly timely event as the government is currently consulting on its section 21 proposals.

Latecomers are welcome to enter quietly.